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The Birth of Our Dream

Worship Encounter is the culmination of the dreams of not just one individual but of a group of people.  Rob and Kristine had the desire to start a ministry to help people have a real relationship with God, by encouraging them to encounter God personally, and pursue all He has for them.  They discussed starting a church with that purpose, even trying to have that in their home.  While those meetings were enjoyable, God had a different idea in mind.  As you may know, God's timing and ways aren't the same as ours.  He sees the whole picture and we see only a part. 


 In 2017, while attending the Holy Spirit Conference at Crossroads Church in Morgan Hill, Rob received a prophetic word about the plans he had in his heart.  Specifically, that God sees them and is writing more on them and will surround him with people to support him.  Well, 2017 went along and many very interesting things happened.  But Rob never saw the plans blossom.  Then came the 2018 Holy Spirit Conference.  This time, Rob's prophetic word was only part of the story.  Rob was told that God wasn't going to bless his plan but instead Rob needed to align to HIS plan.  Kristine was given a word about being a powerhouse and a driving force and that Rob would need to hold on as she blossoms into what God has for her. 


In May of 2015, Rob noted to Gina and José, that he felt that the two families had a joint purpose; what exactly that purpose was, was not clear at that time. Rob hoped that this purpose would be awakened and they could be launched into what God had for them all.  Also attending the 2018 Holy Spirit Conference, Gina received several words during the conference and in the two weeks following:  God was preparing to bring her into something new, very soon, that there was going to be a new anointing upon her, a new opportunity that was coming and the Lord would be anointing her for that specific opportunity. That this new journey would be traveling by car packed up with things that would be needed, and that God would provide for the financial burdens of this new endeavor.  Gina was also told that the fields of impact are vast and that they were hers for the taking, but she would need to step out in faith.


While individually their changes and confirmations didn't make sense, together they worked to form Worship Encounter.  When God moves, He moves fast.  There have been numerous confirmations that this is what God has for both families.  Each member is confident in the purpose, is fully on board, and is committed to seeing this ministry through to its fullest potential.

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